Friday, May 16, 2008

Musings on Weird UI Designs

I've written too many UI frameworks (where by "too many" I mean more than zero). You could shout at me that I should use a library, but the calculus that has led me to do this over and over is pretty inescapable:
  • An existing old huge code base uses an existing, old UI framework.
  • The whole UI framework is perhaps 100 kloc and will probably be about the same when renovations are done.
  • The application itself is 500 kloc, or maybe 3 mloc...applications get big.
  • The interface between the UI framework and application is "wide" because all of the app UI behavior code has to talk to the UI framework.
So given the choice of recoding 100 kloc of UI or touching a huge chunk of a 500 kloc app, what do you do? You go rework the UI framework so that you can preserve the existing UI.

That decision has been true in X-Plane twice now (and was true in previous, more conventional companies too). But with X-Plane I hit a particular, strange situation: no objects!

In a traditional user interface some kind of persistent data structure represents the on-screen constructs; typically this data structure might be an object hierarchy, so that message passing between objects can be used to resolve how user input is handled; polymorphic object behavior specializes the actions of each "widget" in the user interface.

X-Plane's normal user interface code, which derives from a more game-like approach, is quite a different beast.
  • Every user interface widget is implemented by a "function", called every frame, that both draws the widget and processes any user input events (that are essentially stored globally, e.g. "is the mouse down now", "what is the currently pressed key").
  • A dialog box is simply a series of function calls.
  • The function calls take as arguments layout information and what to do with the data, e.g. what floating point variable is "edited" by this UI element.
This creates very terse code, but a difficult problem when it comes to adding "state". There are no objects to add member variables to!

Working with such a weird construct has certainly made me "think different" about turns out that every feature I've wanted to add to X-Plane has been pretty straight forward, once I purged myself of the notion of objects.

State Without State

For X-Plane 9 I did some work on keyboard handling, providing real text editing in text widgets, keyboard focus, etc. The solution to implementing these features without state is:
  • A UI "widget function" (that is, the code drawing a particular instance of a widget) can calculate a unique ID for the widget on the fly based on the input data. Thus the function can tell "which" widget we are at any one time.
  • It turns out that usually the only state needed is state for a widget with focus, and which widget is focus. That is...all the variables turn out to be class-wide. (Remember, the data storage for the values of the widgets are already being passed into the functions.)
  • Some global infrastructure is needed to maintain the notion of focus, but that's true of any system, whether it's global or on the root window. (Since X-Plane has only one root window, the two are basically the same.)
I went into the project thinking that I was going to have to visit every single call sight of every single UI function...after working at this technique for about a day I realized that the scope of the problem was much bigger than I thought, went back, and did the above "dynamic identity" scheme.

This is sort of like the "fly-weighting" technique suggested in the Gang Of Four book, but the motivation is different. GoF suggest fly weighting for performance (e.g. 2 million objects are too slow). To me this is ludicrous...while I do think you need to optimize performance based on real profiling data, data organization for performance is fundamental for design. If you need to fly-weight your design to fix a performance problem, you screwed your design up pretty bad.

This is different - it's fly-weighting out of desperation - that is, to avoid rewriting a huge chunk of code.

Should that code later be refactored? I'm not sure. (The above design does make it possible though - you just make a new API on top of the old API that looks more like a conventional OOP system; once you've entirely migrated to the new API you can reimplement your widgets in a more conventional manner.) The conventional wisdom would be: yes, refactor, but in our case, I just don't see the win. I'm a strong advocate of continuous refactoring to improve future productivity. X-Plane's strange UI design scheme has not been a problem; Austin is exceedingly fast at writing new UI code and I wouldn't want to get in the way of that!

Wedge This In

WorldEditor and the scenery code come with a UI framework that's as close to my current thinking on how UI should be done as I'm ever going to get...some of the quirks include: all coordinates are window-relative (I believe that widget-relative coordinates don't save client code and make debugging harder) and course refreshes (on today's hardware it's not worth spending a lot of brain power trying to figure out what needs to be redrawn, especially when your artist is going to give you translucent elements that require the background to be redrawn anyway).

I am reworking the PlaneMaker panel editor right now; the code had reached a point of complexity where it needed to be refactored for future work, so I built a cheap & dirty version of the WED UI hierarchy to live inside X-Plane.

I tried something even stranger than the WED UI framework: the widget code in PlaneMaker doesn't persist the location of objects in any way! All of the hierarchy calls pass the location into the widget when it is called.

The initial coding of this was a little bit weird, but it actually has a strange silver lining: no resize-refresh problems!

When I wrote WED, I had to deal with a whole category of bugs where something has changed in the data model, and the right set of messages wasn't set up to tickle the UI to resize itself and redo the layout. With the PlaneMaker code this is never an issue because the data model is examined any time we do anything - our location decisions are always current.

The down-side of this is of course performance; a lot of code is getting called a lot more often than needed. I figure if this turns out to be a problem, I'll add caching on an as-needed basis and add notifications to match. One of the reasons this may be a non-issue is that PlaneMaker's panel editor edits a very small set of data; a single panel can have at most 400 instruments. WED can open 20,000 airports at once (um, don't try this at home), so the caching code had to be very carefully written to not have slow paths in hot loops.

1 comment:

  1. That kind of UI design is called "immediate mode GUI" by some people, and there seems to be some kind of cult around it. It does sound interesting though, I'll have to try it some time.

